
Attractiveness Influence Affinity
Preferential Attatchment Neighborhood Overlap Resource Allocation
Common Neighbors Edge Betweenness Weight

  • Attractiveness = corresponds to the predisposition of two nodes to connect in the future
    • Preferential Attatchment = probability of connecting in the future (the more neighbors in common, the more likely they are to connect in the future)
    • Common Neighbors = number of common neighbors on the network
  • Influence = corresponds to the importance level of an edge in relation to access to different regions in the graph
    • Neighborhood Overlap = fraction of the number of common neighbors (edges with low Neighborhood Overlap consist of nodes traveling in “social circles”, having almost nobody in common = local bridges)
    • Edge Betweenness = number of the shortest paths that go through an edge in a graph or network (edges with a high edge betweenness centrality score represent a bridge-like connector between two parts of a network and the removal of which may affect the communication between many pairs of nodes through the shortest paths between them)
  • Affinity = corresponds to the frequency of collaboration between two nodes
    • Resource Allocation = fraction of a resource (for example, information or something else) that a node can send to another node through its common neighbors
    • Weight = number of collaborations between two music genres (which is statistically correlated with the possibility that these two genres will collaborate in the future)

Scale Score
high 81% - 100%
medium 31% - 80%
low 0% - 30%

Profile 0


Metric Scale
Preferential Attatchment high
Common Neighbors high
Neighborhood Overlap high
Edge Betweenness medium
Resource Allocation high
Weight high


Metric Scale
Preferential Attatchment high
Common Neighbors high
Neighborhood Overlap high
Edge Betweenness medium
Resource Allocation high
Weight high


Metric Scale
Preferential Attatchment high
Common Neighbors high
Neighborhood Overlap high
Edge Betweenness high
Resource Allocation high
Weight high

Profile 1


Metric Scale
Preferential Attatchment medium
Common Neighbors medium
Neighborhood Overlap medium
Edge Betweenness medium
Resource Allocation medium
Weight medium


Metric Scale
Preferential Attatchment medium
Common Neighbors medium
Neighborhood Overlap medium
Edge Betweenness medium
Resource Allocation medium
Weight medium


Metric Scale
Preferential Attatchment medium
Common Neighbors medium
Neighborhood Overlap medium
Edge Betweenness medium
Resource Allocation medium
Weight medium

Profile 2


Metric Scale
Preferential Attatchment low
Common Neighbors low
Neighborhood Overlap low
Edge Betweenness high
Resource Allocation low
Weight low


Metric Scale
Preferential Attatchment low
Common Neighbors low
Neighborhood Overlap low
Edge Betweenness high
Resource Allocation low
Weight low


Metric Scale
Preferential Attatchment low
Common Neighbors low
Neighborhood Overlap low
Edge Betweenness high
Resource Allocation low
Weight low

Profile 3


Metric Scale
Preferential Attatchment low
Common Neighbors medium
Neighborhood Overlap high
Edge Betweenness low
Resource Allocation medium
Weight medium


Metric Scale
Preferential Attatchment low
Common Neighbors medium
Neighborhood Overlap high
Edge Betweenness low
Resource Allocation medium
Weight medium


Metric Scale
Preferential Attatchment medium
Common Neighbors high
Neighborhood Overlap high
Edge Betweenness low
Resource Allocation high
Weight medium

A work by Mariana O. S. Silva